Assessing Management Effectiveness of the Mafinga Hills National Forest Reserve In Zambia Using IMET
IMET stands for Integrated Management Effectiveness Tool. It is one of the recent tools used to assess Protected Area Management Effectiveness (PAME) quantitatively. IMET is a computer-based software with advanced algorithms able to generate statistical and graphic presentations with ease. In 2021, IMET was applied at the Mafinga hills for the first time. The results were astonishing. Five priority areas for action were identified for the period 2022-2025, and of these, three actions were flagged to be the most urgent for the period 2022-2024.
Capacity building for the project team to enable them to carry out the IMET assessment. During the pretraining session, the IMET was also prefilled.

Data collection, review, and analysis. Unlike other PAME tools, IMET does not only collect data from protected area managers. It involves a wide range of stakeholders with direct interaction or special interest in a protected area. In the case of Mafinga, traditional leaders and a Community Based Organisation were actively involved in the evaluation process.

Information sharing
The IMET assessment is concluded when results are shared with stakeholders both at the national and local levels.
Download a summary analysis report (.PDF)