The Wildlife and Environmental Conservation Society of Zambia in partnership with Land Life Company and with support from the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth embarked on a Feasibility Study of the Cocoon Tree Planting Technology in Zambia.
The aim of the study is to evaluate whether or not it makes practical sense commercially and social-economically to introduce the Cocoon Tree Planting Technology in Zambia at scale, taking into account both the lessons from the field as well as a more general market entry study.
This study will be done using a technological-approach to tree planting that ensures a higher survival rate of tree seedlings in their initial critical growth stage by promoting water conservation coupled with reduced labour on watering the tree seedlings for a period in between 2 – 3 months. It will also help build an understanding of the soils in which different tree species thrive and also allow for both physical and remote monitoring of their growth.